Student and Library

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As a student how many times you visit library in a week? Perhaps once, twice, or not at all. The few number of library visiting can show how big srtudent literacy is. In fact, some students visit the library for relaxing their mind after doing their activity in the class, get free WiFi for gaming, and doing kind of useless things to do. It’s such an irony. Library is one of the important part in the school. It actually can be utilized more by the students. They can explore everything in it, find new hobby, and get along with the tons of books there. Therefore, everything can go as supposed to.

For me, one of the biggest issues that affect our students is gadget. Gadget has changed everything in our life even our perspective. How we manage our mind and how we make decision. With gadget, everything can be simplified. You can just deliver food by dialing number of your favorite restaurant or get online taxi by using an application in your cell phone. Even, the presence of the gadget can change students perspective how they use library. Students often look for some literatures for studying. It can be books, journals, etc. Unconsciously, some students like to look for some e-books in the internet to go to library and found literature over there. They browse and download everything. It’s okay if the e-books copyright can be legally accessed, but how about the illegal one? Even, some students can access the proprietary journal by cracking and then downloading it freely. I think, as an educated people they are not supposed to do that. Student else don’t do this, please. Okay.

You can utilize the school library rather than doing illegal action like I've mentioned before. The school library might provide the students with tons of books, from the A - Z categories. You just need to come in, choose your books, sit down, and read.  It is simple, right?

Some of the public figure in Indonesia is well known having high literacy. Who do not know about B.J. Habibie? The third president of Indonesia. He is only one of Indonesian who has highest IQ in the world. His IQ is 200, even Albert Einstein only got 160. How fantastic!. Thanks to his genius, Habibie even created the formula 'Habibie Factor' which is used to calculate cracks or crack propagation on random to the atoms of an aircraft. The discovery of the formula also earned him the nickname 'Mr. Crack' and was hailed by the world. Meanwhile, in Germany where he studied, Habibie was once appointed as Head of Research and Development of Structural Analysis at a large company. He also serves as vice president, technology director, and senior corporate advisor. Many achievements he got. And all of these cannot be apart by his interest in books. Not like the other children, the little Habibie like to read books in Dutch. His parents also gave him the best education. Since that, he got motivation to reach his ambitions and be the greatest person in Indonesia.

But, how about literacy in Indonesia today? Based on UNESCO in 2016, Indonesia ranked the second lowest position in the world literacy. From 61 nations, Indonesia is in the 60th position. Above Botswana (61) and under Thailand (59). It means the low literacy of Indonesian. The literacy rate in Indonesia is 0,1%. It means, only one person who has high literacy in every 1000 people in Indonesia. In fact, the infrastructure to support literacy in Indonesia is above the western nations have. As an Indonesian, I feel so sad. Indonesia with 237 millions population and median age 27, has only reached the second lowest rank of world literacy. Of course, it is being a big issue in this country. 

What should we do? How to overcome this?

We can contribute to this country by reading a lot of books. Make sure everything right manage our mind. As a student, take your time to visit library and explore everything you fond of. If you want to be a scientist, try to read about science and if you want to be a writer try to read more literature, and so on. Try to make weekly agenda to visit library in your school. I am sure if all student can utilize the library properly, Indonesia will be the great nation.
