Why Do I Read?

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I trust all of us can read. But, I trust not all of us like reading either. For some people reading is one of the bored activity, but for me reading is a fun. For your information, I stasrt reading and collecting books consistently at my last year in High School. Until this post is made, I still fall in love with reading. A simple tips for you who want to keep reading, try to read your favorite genre. There are so many book genres, such as horror, mystery, romance, fiction, etc. You need to look for your favorite genre and start read it.

As I mention earlier, reading is such a fun activity for me. Why ? Here are some reasons that make me keep reading.

REASON 1 : I love reading

Since I was child, my family always take good care of me. I remember my father always told me a fairytale when I was going to sleep at night. He told me amazing stories that make my imagination slowly grews. Since that, I love reading, especially kids books. Not only that, my elder sister also collected kids magazine which was so popular at that time. I start to read them as my own. I enjoy the pictures, short stories, and every writing in it. Moreover, I cheer up when I am in the bookstore or in the library. It makes me want to read all the collections. I get used to take my time  in the weekend to walk around over there, read the book synopsis, and buy my favorite books. I am so excited!

REASON 2 : Reading opens my mind

I get used to spare my time for reading. Not only books but also news. Therefore, I can update the latest information around me. Besides get information, reading make you can think at the different point of view when you respond to anything. You will have a great mindset and critical thinking. I mean, you do not be too easy to judge people in news or get influence by the hoax. You start to cross-check everything you read before you trust the content and leave the comment.

REASON 3 : Reading improves my linguistic skill

Indirectly, we improve our linguistic skill when we read. It will increase your vocabulary and give you some clues how to write well. You can determine what style of language you should use at certain condition. And finally, you can deliver your purpose properly to people.

REASON 4 : I can travel around the world

Yup! You do not misread. By reading, I can travel around the world. In my mind, you do not need to pay much to travel around the world because what you need is only book. When I read, I could reach everything beyond there. I coulf feel how peaceful Masjidil Haram is, how wondrous the Great Wall is, or how ancient the Greek civilization is. Indirectly, when I read everything, I will feel it. So, I can imagine that I was in the place where the book’s background takes place. How amazing !

That is all about my reasons why I read. Some people perhaps have different reasons for it. I want to know what your reasons are. Please, write down your reasons below in the comment section. Hope you enjoy this.
